Explore & Embody the 8 Developmental Stages
to Jul 20

Explore & Embody the 8 Developmental Stages

In this new and exciting fortnightly class, Cheda will be guiding us through 8 developmental stages.

It comes in response to the call for a deep, active exploration. We will be enquiring into Erik Erikson’s psychosocial theory and building upon it with our personal and emotional content.

We will then begin to allow for somatic integration of the parts of ourselves which have not been acknowledged or completed through each stage.

Book your place here.

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TRE Module 2 Global Certification Programme
to Jul 7

TRE Module 2 Global Certification Programme

In - Person and Online

The course will cover personal skills and work with individuals.

Deepening into the theory and practice of TRE®, as well as demonstrations of interventions to assist the tremors and involuntary movements.

The course will be very practical with some advanced theory.

Each morning and afternoon session you will be supported through the exercises and tremors. There will be lots of time for discussion and sharing of experiences.

The 2 day workshop is part of the process to be accredited as a TRE® Certified Provider, for the TRE® Certified Provider requirements in the UK.

Book your place here.

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TRE, Primitive Reflexes and Brain Development
to Jul 14

TRE, Primitive Reflexes and Brain Development

Developmental trauma, accidents, falls, abuse or neglect, can and does affect child’s brain and body development. Primitive reflexes, Reactions and Responses are fundamental part of our survival and attachment strategies.

How Primitive Reflexes affect the Brain, Body and our Attachment/ Bonding with ourselves and others?

What strategies can we use to correct it?

Which Brain and Body regions regulate and control these unconscious, involuntary movements and how do we restore the imbalances?

Book here your place here.

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Pelvis and Psoas Lab
to Sep 29

Pelvis and Psoas Lab

This In person and Online course is very practical and experiential and it is suitable for any practitioner who is interested in deepening their knowledge of how to work with the body.

The goal of this workshop is to deepen our understanding about the role of Psoas and Pelvis in TRE.

We will explore anatomical interconnectedness of the Psoas and the Pelvis with surrounding organs and tissues. Often this area of the body holds excess charge and limits the natural movements.

We will learn about the connection between our pelvic area, body sensations, deep seated emotions and heightened or dissociated sense often present in the body. Through practical exercises we will learn how to use gentle but powerful interventions to resolve blockages and to deepen our own and clients process.

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Diaphragm Lab
to Dec 8

Diaphragm Lab

This In person and Online course is very practical and experiential and it is suitable for any practitioner who is interested in deepening their knowledge of how to work with the body.

Respiratory diaphragm is the structure that is interconnected with many other tissues, structures and organs in the body.

We will explore anatomical interconnectedness of the Diaphragm and Cervical spine with surrounding organs and tissues.

You will learn to recognise specific patterns in your own and clients body. We will explore how our diaphragm is central and essential for the quality of our movements, posture, gestures and emotions.

The goal of this workshop is to deepen our understanding about the role of the Diaphragm in human body and in TRE.

Through practical exercises and TRE we will explore our own body in more depth and develop more awareness and subtlety. We will learn how to use gentle but powerful interventions to help deepen our own and clients process.

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Body Reading in TRE
to May 12

Body Reading in TRE

This In person and online course is very practical and experiential and it is suitable for any practitioner who is interested in deepening their knowledge of how to work with the body.

In this advanced course we will learn how to read the body, identify strong points, imbalances, contractions and blockages.

Starting with exploration of your own body and then working in pairs and small groups to deepen your experience, you will join the group of practitioners on the journey to a richer understanding of the human body.

Book your place here.

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Module 1 - TRE Global Certification Training Programme
to Mar 24

Module 1 - TRE Global Certification Training Programme


The course will cover personal skills and work with individuals. The course is very practical and experiential.

The theory of a TRE® model will be explored through the exercises, tremors and other involuntary and spontaneous movements. There will be lots of time for discussion and sharing of experiences.

This TRE® Module 1 workshop is open to everyone. You can attend to learn about using the tremors to support your own health. You will learn about being in your body and self regulating in response to tension, stress and trauma. You can attend the workshop as the start of the process to teach TRE® to individuals.

To learn more about the entire TRE Certification Program, download the brochure below or alternatively reach us at contact@trecentre.com

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